When it is hot outside keep it cool during summer with these home trends. It is always lovely to get inside during the heat of the summer to cool off with a jug of fruit water and relax in a fresh colour scheme. Cooling designs are calming, refreshing and relaxing, which is the perfect mix for a lovely home so while you can keep yourself relaxed by drinking plenty of fresh water, use a pretty fan to cool your face and sit in the shade.
White is a great way to keep it cool during summer in your home
The calming and neutral tones of white with grey or green can create a cool colour vibe in your rooms. White walls and crisp, fresh linen with a touch of pastel colours can keep things clean in the home. The freshness of this home trend gives a cool touch in the summer but an equally tranquil feeling in the winter. It is a perfect look, that can be jazzed up with your favourite accessories.
Keep it cool during summer in your home with silk sheets
Sounds decadent, doesn’t it! Silk sheets are the ultimate in cold sleeping. No need for air conditioning or fans. Not only will they keep you cool but they feel amazing, can be great for skin and hair plus they look gorgeous in a bedroom with a cool colour scheme to add to that freshness. Pale blue can be a great touch of colour in a bedroom or pastel green as well. Don’t forget white bulb lighting to brighten things up.
Blinds and shutters can keep it cool during summer in your home
Take note from many European countries which close their window and door shutters in the summer months to keep their homes cool. Shutters have become a really trendy home feature in recent years across the UK and further afield. Not only do they keep the house cool, but they look great too. The alternative is, of course, to use blinds, which can look excellent and brightens up a window look also. Choose neutral colours to complement your home style and keep them closed if the sun is shining through the window and heating your rooms.
Keep it cool during summer in your home with some houseplants
Plants can create shade, clean the air of toxins and soften the look of interior design. Situating some close together can shade were are sitting, or a big palm can even shade your sofa. The options are endless. Make sure you choose the right plant for the right place, and they can add something special to your home look plus help to keep you fresh.
To cool down your home, visit us in store to see what you can find to help.